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Many singer/songwriters who make music tend to write songs that not only connect with their audiences, but as well as represent themselves as artists. The lyrics of a song can greatly reflect an artist's morals and values.

Generally speaking, if an artist does not agree with the message they will not produce it, especially if they believe it will impact their reputation in a negative manner. Underwood is a very famous female country artist, who happens to be openly Christian. The meaning of songs can be different for each individual person who listens, however, Carrie's music tends to tell a straight-forward story, rather than use metaphors to let their fans create their own interpretation of the song. She even claimed "country music is about truth and singing what you know."
[12] What truth is Carrie trying to express in her barbaric themes? Does she have a dark side that we haven't considered?

Is Underwood's music a good representation as to who she is and what her values are? - this question is more or less your own opinion. Some may think she does a great job of including her faith into her music, while others are baffled that she would ever promote such anti-christian themes.

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